I recently wrote a
blog post and posted a video of my interview with Yves Carcelle, the former Chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton. We discussed the talent strategy of LVMH, its foreign expansion and the experiences with top designers such as Marc Jacobs. Yves and I were planning to meet for a follow up in July.
Unfortunately, this was the last interview he gave.
Yves Carcelle passed away on Sunday August 31, 2014.
I knew Yves only briefly, but I was really surprised by his eyes. They were curious, interested and full of wisdom. These were not the eyes of a person in the last stages of battling with cancer. These were the eyes of a young man who was planning to go to the Middle East to prospect new markets for LVMH.
After the interview, Yves offered new ideas for INSEAD's development. He wanted to continue involvement with INSEAD's community.
INSEAD family just lost a great friend.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.